Video Games

ダンスダンスレボリューション (DDR) Tournament Rules

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Complete ダンスDanceダンスDanceレボリューションRevolution Tournament Rules & Regulations

  • No Disrupting Opponents: Please try not to flail your arms during the song. Doing so may hit the other player, and cause a distraction. If you are constantly hitting your opponent, you will automatically lose the song.
  • Cheating is strictly prohibited: No cheating or bribing judges. If you are found to have cheated during ANY round or event, you will be automatically disqualified.
  • If you would like to set up a video camera: Please be sure to get there early to set up. Please there will be absolutely no FLASH photography during the matches by spectators.
  • Participants are not allowed to wear shoes or slippers on the dance mats due to safety reasons.
  • Any participant that compromises the integrity of the event shall be disqualified without refund.
  • Tournament subject to cancellation if there are inadequate number of people.
  • Each contestant will compete at their own risk.
  • Judges’ decisions are final.

Tournament Format

  • All rounds will be single elimination. The tournaments will be played on Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix. This tournament will be played on only one machine. In each match, the player who is lower ranked will get to choose which side of the pad they want to play. All players will play the same songs during final matches (i.e. same step amounts to determine accurate scores).
  • If you are not present when your name is called, we will skip over your match once, and your match will be played at the end of the current rounds. If you are not present for the second time your name is called, you will automatically be disqualified without a refund.
  • No entering the option screen to song check on a random song.


  • The tournament will be scored ONLY on Perfects, Greats, and Good. Your score is equal to the sum of (Perfectsx2) + (Greatsx1) +(Good x 1/2) = Score. Your combined computer score does not matter, only perfects, greats and good (except where otherwise stated).
  • If you press the button (Circle or Start and Select) after the song ends, not allowing the score of your song to be seen, you will automatically be given the loss for the song.

Preliminary Round

  • We will be using the same three songs per round. The songs will change during every Round, (i.e. three different songs for quarter finals, semi-finals, and different songs for finals there will be a harder song progression for every round). Since we are using the same three songs in each round, the Total Score = (Perfectsx2 + Greatsx1 + Goodx1/2) this will eliminate the Total No. of Steps Concern.
  • Each Player will play the same 3 songs. Person who wins best 2 out of 3 songs advances. Top 8 total scorers move forward to quarter-finals.
  • In the course that there are an odd number of people left there will be a Battle round where the lowest two players will eliminate one song each from the last round play and play one song, of which the highest scorer of that song will advance, this will be done in lieu of a random “bye”.


  • Quarter-Finals will be bracket style/single elimination.
  • The 8 remaining people will be placed in brackets with the highest seed facing the lowest seed.
  • Seed pairing: 1 vs. 8, 2 vs. 7, 3 vs. 6, and 4 vs. 5
  • The players will play the same three songs with their score being the total number of (Perfectsx2 + Greats + Goodx1/2). Player who wins 2 out of 3 advances.
  • The lower seed will get the choice of side.
  • Top 4 Scoring Players move on to Finals – In case of a tie a Random song will be chosen as a tie breaker (Or alternative method).

Semi-Final Round

  • This format will be single elimination. 4 remaining people will compete and be placed in brackets highest against lowest. Same as above style with the person winning 2 out of 3 advancing to the next round.
  • Losers of these rounds will compete separately for third and fourth place (same as above style third place winner will have won 2 out of 3 songs.

Final Round

  • Final Round is single elimination. A best 2 out of 3 songs played will be the 1st place winner. Songs are decided by the players except the final song, which would be at random.


Konami: Dance Dance Revolution

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