Video Games

ダンスダンスレボリューション (DDR) Tournament Rules

Reading Time: 3 minutesComplete ダンスDanceダンスDanceレボリューションRevolution Tournament Rules & Regulations No Disrupting Opponents: Please try not to flail your arms during the song. Doing so may hit the other player, and cause a distraction. If you are constantly hitting your opponent, you will automatically lose the song. Cheating is strictly prohibited: No cheating or bribing judges. If you are […]

Events Video Games

Dance Dance Revolution Tournament

Reading Time: < 1 minuteGot what it takes to be a dancing sensation, right here and now? It’s time to get groovin’ on Dance Dance Revolution! Let the pumpin’ pulsative rhythms take you to musical bliss, strut your stuff for prices! Now get on with it! Indoor Games